
East SFV Today

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Press Release: Burbank Councilmember Appointed to 2023 SCAG Energy and Environment Committee


Handshake | Unsplash by Cytonn Photography

Handshake | Unsplash by Cytonn Photography

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has appointed Burbank Councilmember Tamala Takahashi to the 2023 SCAG Energy and Environment Committee.

The Energy and Environment Committee considers environmental and energy issues of regional significance, including but not limited to air quality, water quality, solid and hazardous waste, habitat preservation, environmental justice, and environmental impact analysis.

“It’s my great pleasure to serve in this role,” stated Councilmember Takahashi.  “I'm honored to be a part of SCAG's collaborative efforts at the city and regional level to create a more sustainable Southern California. I look forward to participating in this vital work to cultivate a clean future for our Burbank community and beyond.”

SCAG is a Joint Powers Authority under California state law, established as an association of local governments and agencies that voluntarily convene as a forum to address regional issues. SCAG is responsible for developing regional plans for transportation, growth management, hazardous waste management, and air quality. For more information about SCAG, please visit https://scag.ca.gov/

Original source can be found here.