Do you have great ideas you want to contribute to make Foster City a better place to live, work, and play? The City of Foster City is looking for residents interested in serving a full term from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025 on the following Citizen Advisory Committees: Audit Committee, Traffic Review Committee, and Parks and Recreation Committee. The deadline to apply is November 17, 2022. To be considered for official appointment, applicants must be Foster City residents and are required to attend the December 5, 2022 City Council meeting. To find out more about the committees and download an application, visit:
- Audit Committee (5 vacancies): The Audit Committee shall advise the City Council/District Board regarding the selection of the independent auditor(s), the review of the annual audit process and financial statements, and other financial matters as requested by the City Council/District Board. The Audit Committee typically meets twice each year, in April and November. For more information about the committee, visit:
- Traffic Review Committee (1 vacancy): Foster City residents who are interested in addressing traffic and transportation issues should apply to the Traffic Review Committee. The Committee receives and reviews appeals or requests from citizens or staff regarding traffic matters and makes recommendations to the City Council. The committee meets the last Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. For more information about the committee, visit:
- Parks and Recreation Committee (4 vacancies): The Parks and Recreation Committee shall support the spirit of the City Council priorities and Parks and Recreation goals and objectives in order to provide for a parks and recreation program that is responsive to the interests of Foster City citizens and strives for comprehensive community engagement.The Committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month. For more information about the committee, visit:
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